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Prepared by:

Todd Daley - OCS Director

Michelle Torsak - OCS Messaging Director

Rob Boshard - PSD Manager

Raven Alard Ngatuvai - PSD Video Producer

Bill Christensen - Executive Communications

Bonnie Walton - Presentation Designer

Watch the series

Hope Works is a series inviting presenters to offer an interesting insight that calms fear and promotes hope, supported by real-world experience, observation and application in a TED Talks type platform.

My Part

As this project began to pick up steam and come alive, I was approached to help the speakers with their presentations. As the format would be more ted talk like, and the speakers had time limits, it was my responsibility to:

  • Help refine their talks

  • Reduce the number of slides in their presentation 

  • Create graphics, and presentation slides

  • Advise on speech delivery, timing, voice control

  • Advise during dry runs

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The most important slide?


Along with removing many of the original content slides the speakers originally had, I added the blank slide in-between most slides. This helps to keep the live audience's attention on the speaker instead of focusing on a slide that is no longer being talked about.

The dark gray color was chosen to help blend in with the natural light and shadows of the stage, whereas a pure black screen would have been too dark. The orange dot in the corner is a reference to the media team, so they can see the presentation is still active. If the orange dot disappeared, it would imply technical difficulties and they would be able to act without disrupting the program.

Audience Response 

A survey was sent to the attending audience to learn about their experiences with the whole Hope Works production. It was well received with most commentary about the evening dinner not including Diet Coke. The audience also felt there were initially too many speakers for one night, but that each speaker did a good job.

Point of interest: The speakers who were the most willing to listen and respond to the advice they were given during our run throughs had the best responses from the live audience and the online audience.

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