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Prepared by:

UIUX Mission Department

Steering Committee 

Executive Communications

   Bill Christensen

   Bonnie Walton

Training Portal


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In-field Training Portal

The training portal is used to train and update in-field teachers, promoters, leaders, and presidents all around the globe. 

My Part

My responsibility was to figure out how people think and prioritize when working in-field. Then I needed to develop a system that would help content creators decide which lessons should take priority.




Using the training portal has been successful for in-field training. Users report the ease of use and find many of the tutorials relevant. As the system has been used, the research team found some areas for improvement.

Key Findings:
  • An overwhelming amount of tutorials were being submitted to users.

  • Departments all feel their tutorials are urgent or important.

  • 1.5 years to complete all tutorials submitted, based on allotted study time.

  • Users falling behind on other responsibilities. 

  • There is no priority level describing which lessons need to be completed first.

  • Some tutorials are never opened.

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Defined Needs and Objectives

A easy to understand system to be used by leaders and departments that will:

  • Determine Priorities

  • Communicate Priorities

  • Reduce Offerings

  • Prioritize New Requests

Content creators, department managers/leads

1 Month (for determining how to prioritize)



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In determining priorities, I needed to consider the waterfall effect of tutorials that couldn't be completed, time sensitive information, and what is required vs. optional.

Based on the collection of tutorials I was shown, I grouped the subjects into categories using Maslow's hierarchy of needs as a guide. This would become the priority hierarchy, with the most important content at the base and less important at the top. It demonstrated how some lessons could be less effective without the fundamental knowledge of lessons with a higher priority.

Questionnaire Flow

With the hierarchy complete, I then developed some questions to ask the submitter about the tutorial they were requesting. This would then filter the requests into assumed priorities. 


The questions are worded so that the user must think about how their tutorial will be effective and does not allow for the user to continuously click one answer and have their request filed in a higher priority.

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After the requests are filtered, then the decision makers could further narrow down which tutorials were necessary to send to the in-field users.



Submitter Survey

Decision Maker Review Screen

Final Designs

Final Designs

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The survey was designed to be used on a tablet that would be located at the front desk of the department. Once completed, the submitter receives an email about the status of their request, and is updated after decisions are made.

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Next Steps

As the new tutorials are being filtered in by priority, the next step is to determine how the previously published tutorials will be prioritized, simplified, or reduced. Then it will be communicated to the users which tutorials need to be completed first, second, and so on. 

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