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Prepared by:

Bonnie Walton

Leah Poulsen

Derek Johnson

Yarn Stories

Yarn: the creative writing 
game where Surrealism 
meets Shakespeare.

Yarn Stories

Yarn is a social story building app that reinvents the age old concept of Exquisite Corpse, a game where users create stories with friends. The rules are simple; someone writes part of a story, and then the next person see's only the last few words previously written before writing another part of the story. The story ends after 200 words have been written, at which point each contributor is notified and they can read the story they have made together. 

Yarn Stories

My part:

Collaborating with my group, we brainstormed the initial ideas of the game, what it would incorporate, and how the rules would work. We also worked on the flow and wireframes together. Once the wireframes were complete, I worked on the interface, research, testing, and presentation content.

Yarn Research and Exploration

Research & Exploration

Defined Needs and Objectives

Yarn Stories

At the beginning stages of creating this app, we researched the game exquisite corpse and then thought about how this game would work in the online world. Then we set about making our own rules and limitations, which would keep the game fun and challenging while considering time and attention spans.

From this point we began to come up with the flow of the app. Using post-it's, we quickly sketched the most necessary screens and then had the ability to arrange and rearrange them to make sure the game play would go smoothly. We tested this flow by playing the game on paper and pencil.

Once the flow had been determined, we created sketches based on a list of details we had determined should be on the screens.


Target Audience
  • Teens and Young Adults

  • Technologically Savvy

  • Likes to be creative

  • Wants to be unique

  • Selective with online games

  • 6 weeks



Wireframes Website-02.png
FInal Designs

Final Designs


** Not all screens are shown. If you'd like to see more, just ask. ** 

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